I am very glad to be the messenger of such good news.
Caran d’Ache sent me their certificate of compliance .
I contacted them for products free of animal derivatives – including manufacturing process- and for their cruelty-free status. And good tidings I bring.
Please see the Caran D’Ache certificate of compliance and pay attention to exceptions in product lines. Some products contain the pigment ivory black, which is of an animal source.
Neither products nor raw materials get tested on animals.
the cruelty-free status of Caran d’Ache
- Caran d’Ache does not test on animals
- does not commission other parties to do so.
- their raw material suppliers do not test on animals nor commission animal testing for raw materials sourced by the company
- Caran d’Ache does not use MSDS/ Material Safety Data Sheets, which data was collected through animal testing in the last decades.
Product lines free of animal derivatives (with exceptions of products containing the pigment ivory black):

Source: mail contact